Our Story
Welcome to Ability Hive, where our family's passion is to support individuals with special needs.
Our journey with Autism began when our daughter, Sage, was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder at the age of 2. Over the past 7 years, we've experienced the challenges firsthand - the uncertainty, the sleepless nights, and the constant surprises. Yet, amidst it all, Sage continues to amaze us with her incredible abilities, reminding us of the incredible potential within each individual.

We started Ability Hive in October of 2023 when we decided to organize an Accessible Halloween Trick-or-Treating event for children and adults with special needs, right on our street in Embrun, Ontario, located just 30 minutes outside of Ottawa. With the fantastic support of our neighbours, the event was a resounding success and received with great enthusiasm. This was also the very first time that our daughter was also able to trick-or-treat.
Ability Hive was born.

In early 2024, we started to plan out where Ability Hive was going and what we wanted to be. We really wanted to create something that was more than just a business.
On March 1st we launched with a brand new website and a clear idea of who we are and the impact we want to make. We are a mission-driven company that sells special needs products that enrich lives, we raise awareness for autism and disabilities through our blog, titled 'The Big Impact Blog' as well as through our social media platforms, and lastly we donate 2% of all of our sales across the board to local initiatives and non-profit organizations that serve the autism and disability communities.

We are so proud and so passionate about Ability Hive and we thank you for your support! Please feel free to reach out to us anytime to chat. Whether you have a special needs child and are going though a tough time, have a disability yourself or want to talk about music (yes, we are musicians too), or WHATEVER it may be - We are here for it all.
-Josée & Kim
Our Mission Statement
We are a mission-driven company centered around three key objectives: Enriching lives with amazing products, raising awareness for disabilities, and giving back.

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